James M Lampinen Editor

James M. Lampinen , PhD, is an Associate Professor of Psychology and director of the Law and Psychology Lab at the University of Arkansas, USA. He received his Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology in 1996 and his doctoral research focused on the subjective experience of false memories for stories, words and events. During the past 15 years Dr. Lampinen has published more than 45 articles and book chapters dealing primarily with false memories, eyewitness testimony, and other legally relevant uses of memory. More recently, he has focused on applying research on prospective memory to the problem of finding missing and wanted persons. Dr. Lampinen has co-edited two volumes, served as lead author of the book The Psychology of Eyewitness Identification (2010) and is currently completing a trade book for the University of Arkansas Press entitled Missing in America, which deals with the problems associated with missing persons cases.

Denise R. Beike is Professor of Psychology and Director of Graduate Training in Experimental Psychology at the University of Arkansas, USA. She is the author of 23 book chapters and articles and the co-editor (with Jim Lampinen) of The Self and Memory (2004). She studies autobiographical memory, the self-concept, regret, and false secondary confessions. Her research has been reported on television in the U.S. and Canada, and in newspapers and magazines including Psychology Today.