James E Gardner Author

Dr James E. Gardner, Ph.D., clinical psychologist, specializes in diagnostic and psychotherapeutic work with children and adolescents and parent counseling. His background includes positions as Director of the Childrens Center in Venice, California; Chief Psychologist at Childrens Hospital of Los Angeles; Director of the Psychological Center of Los Angeles; Chairperson of the Ethics Committee of the California State Psychological Association; Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of California, Los Angeles; Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Southern California; Adjunct Associate Professor at the California State University, Northridge; and the private practice of clinical psychology. In addition to Meeting the Challenges of Adolescent Psychotherapy, published by Research Press, Dr. Gardner has authored Paraprofessional Work with Troubled Children; Smart and Smarter: Enhancing Intelligence Through Cognitive Enrichment; and The Turbulent Teens: Understanding, Helping, Surviving. He holds the diplomate degree in clinical psychology from the American Board of Professional Psychology.