The New Cambridge History of the Bible 4 Volume Set
6 contributors - Set / collection
James Carleton Paget is the author of a number of books and many articles relating to the second century, in particular the relationship of Jews and Christians. He has also written extensively on inter-testamental Judaism and early biblical interpretation. He was a co-editor of the Journal of Ecclesiastical History, and recently co-edited volume 1 of The New Cambridge History of the Bible (with Joachim Schaper, 2013). He is a lecturer at the University of Cambridge, and a Fellow and Tutor of Peterhouse, Cambridge. Judith Lieu has written extensively on the Johanine literature and on early Christianity in the second century in its Jewish and Greco-Roman contexts. Her recent publications in these areas have concentrated on the 'Parting of the Ways', models of the emergence of a Christian identity, and Marcion and the origins of the idea of heresy. She is on the editorial boards of a number of journals and book series. Lieu is a Fellow of the British Academy and in 2015–16 was President of the Society of New Testament Studies. She is Lady Margaret's Professor of Divinity and a Fellow of Robinson College, Cambridge.