The Minstrel; Or the Progress of Genius ... the Second Book.
James Beattie - Paperback
Ts'ui-jung Liu has worked at Academia Sinica, Taiwan, for more than 30 years and was elected an Academician in 1996. She retired in January 2014 and is currently an adjunct Research Fellow at the Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica. She has published three monographs and more than 70 articles related to economic history, population history, and environmental history.
James Beattie is Director of the Historical Research Unit at the University of Waikato, New Zealand, where he teaches imperial, environmental, garden, and world history. He has published three monographs, co-edited three books, and written over 50 articles and chapters on topics in imperial environmental history, history of science, garden history, and art history. He is Founding Editor of International Review of Environmental History.