Jake Chandler Editor

Jake Chandler studied at King's College Cambridge, the University of Sussex, and finally King's College London, where he received a PhD in Philosophy in 2005, under the joint supervision of James Hopkins and David Papineau. Currently Research Fellow at the Institute of Philosophy, University of Leuven, Belgium, he was previously Adam Smith Visiting Professor in Philosophy and Economics at the University of Bayreuth, Germany, and Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Glasgow, Scotland. Victoria S. Harrison (PhD, University of London, 1997) is Reader in Philosophy and Director of the Centre for Philosophy and Religion at the University of Glasgow. She came to Glasgow in 2005 from the University of Colorado at Boulder, having previously held positions at Birkbeck College (University of London), the University of Notre Dame's London Centre, the Muslim College (London), and Kingston University. She is on the Board of Associate Editors for the International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and on the Editorial Board of both Philosophy Compass (Philosophy of Religion section) and Religious Studies: An International Journal for Philosophy of Religion.