Jaime Waters Author & Editor

Dr David Moxon was formerly senior lecturer in criminology at Sheffield Hallam University, UK. Following undergraduate studies in law and a master's degree in international political economy, David undertook doctoral research on a sociolegal theme at the University of Sheffield, being awarded his PhD in 2008. As well as his work on the ‘hidden’ drug use of older adults he has focused upon contemporary issues of criminological theorising, including the notion of ‘social censure’, the viability of Marxian theory in the criminological arena and consumerism and its relation to crime.

Dr Jaime Waters is a senior lecturer and course leader in criminology at Sheffield Hallam University, UK. Her research to date has focused on illegal drug use among older adults. Jaime’s PhD on the topic was awarded by the University of Sheffield in 2010, following on from master's level studies at the same institution and undergraduate studies at the University of Western Ontario (Canada). She has also published work on research methodology and she teaches on qualitative and quantitative methods.