Jaeyeon Choe Editor

Michael A. Di Giovine is Associate Professor of Anthropology in the Department of Anthropology and Sociology at West Chester University of Pennsylvania, USA, and Director of the West Chester University Museum of Antrhopology and Archaeology. He is also a former tour operator whose research in Europe (Italy and Spain) and Southeast Asia (Vietnam and Cambodia) focuses primarily on pilgrimage and tourism, heritage discourses and practices, religious movements and cults, and foodways. He is the Book Reviews Editor of both Journey and The Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, and is the editor of the book series The Anthropology of Tourism: Heritage, Mobility and Society with Lexington Books. A founder and Convenor of the Anthropology of Tourism Interest Group at the American Anthropological Association, Michael has published widely on pilgrimage and religious tourism; among his many publications is the co-edited volume, The Seductions of Pilgrimage: Sacred Journeys Afar and Astray in the Western Religious Tradition (Routledge, 2015).

Jaeyeon Choe is Senior Lecturer in the Department of People and Organizations at Bournemouth University, UK. She holds a PhD in tourism management with a minor in cultural anthropology from The Pennsylvania State University, USA. As an interdisciplinary researcher, her research areas revolve around spiritual/religious/wellness tourism, sustainable development, social sustainability, and poverty alleviation. She has worked on multiple tourism projects in Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Thailand, and Vietnam) including a recent study, 'Tourism for SDGs: Wellness Tourism and Sustainable Development in Bali, Indonesia'. She serves as an associate editor for the e-Review Tourism Journal and is a fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. She also co-founded the Refugee and Migrant Leisure Network with community organizations and local councils.