Jaemin Jung Editor

Alan B. Albarran is a Professor of Media Arts at The University of North Texas in Denton, TX. Dr. Albarran has extensive experience as an editor and author and is widely recognized as an international scholar in the area of media management and economics. He is a former editor of both the Journal of Media Economics and the International Journal on Media Management.

Bozena I. Mierzejewska is an Assistant Professor at the Gabelli School of Business at Fordham University in New York, USA. A native of Poland, Dr. Mierzejewska is the editor of The International Journal on Media Management and serves as an editorial board member at several academic journals. She has authored numerous papers and book chapters on topics related to media management and economics, publishing, and social media.

Jaemin Jung is a Professor and Chair in the Graduate School of Information and Media Management at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in Seoul, South Korea. A native of South Korea, Dr. Jung is a prolific scholar on topics related to media management and economics, telecommunications, and social media. He serves on several editorial boards for scholarly journals in the field.