Jade Smith Author

Susan Young is a clinical academic working at the Centre for Mental Health, Imperial College London, UK, and Visiting Professor at Reykjavik University, Iceland. She was previously employed as a Clinical Neuropsychologist at the Maudsley Hospital, where she set up and developed the psychology service at the first adult ADHD service in the UK. She is the author of over 100 publications in peer reviewed journals, four books and three manualised CBT programmes that are in use internationally; numerous chapters, and the ADHD Child Evaluation [ACE]. 

Jade Smith is a Cinical Psychologist who has worked in a range of Child and Adolescent Mental Health, Neurodevelopmental and Paediatric Services providing assessment and treatment for young people with complex neurodevelopmental disorders and associated emotional, behavioural and mental health needs. She designed and implemented an ADHD pathway as well as contributing to ADHD assessments in National & Specialist children’s Services in London. She currently works with children with learning disabilities and long term conditions.