Essays on Grammatical Theory and Universal Grammar
5 contributors - Paperback
Jacques Durand is Professor of Linguistics at the University of Toulouse-Le Mirail and a Member of the Institut Universitaire de France. He was formerly Professor at the University of Salford, Director of the CLLE-ERSS research centre in Toulouse and in charge of Linguistics at CNRS headquarters. His publications are mainly in phonology (particularly within the framework of Dependency Phonology in collaboration with John Anderson) but he also worked in Machine Translation in the eighties and nineties within the Eurotra project. Since the late nineties, he has coordinated two major research programmes in corpus phonology: Phonology of Contemporary French, with M.-H. Côté, B. Laks and C. Lyche, and Phonology of Contemporary English, with P. Carr and A. Przewozny. Ulrike Gut holds the Chair of English Linguistics at the Westfälische Wilhelms-University in Münster. She received her Ph.D. from Mannheim University and her postdoctoral degree (Habilitation) from Freiburg University. Her main research interests include phonetics and phonology, corpus linguistics, second language acquisition and world-wide varieties of English. She has collected the LeaP corpus and is currently involved in the compilation of the ICE-Nigeria. Gjert Kristoffersen is Professor of Scandinavian languages at the University of Bergen. His research interests are synchronic and diachronic aspects of Scandinavian phonology, especially Norwegian and Swedish prosody from a variationist perspective. He is the author of The Phonology of Norwegian, published by Oxford University Press in 2000.