Jacques Bou Abdo Editor

Jacques Bou Abdo is an Assistant Professor of Cyber Systems at University of Nebraska at Kearney. His main research interests include: Cybersecurity, Blockchain, Recommender Systems, Machine Learning and Network Economics.

Jacques Demerjian is a Full Professor of Computer Science and the Director of LaRRIS (Laboratoire de Recherche en Réseaux, Informatique et Sécurité) research laboratory at the Faculty of Sciences at the Lebanese University. His main research interests include: Body Sensor Network and E-Health Monitoring.

Abdallah Makhoul is a Full Professor of Computer Science at University of Bourgogne - Franche-Comté, France. He is the head the research team OMNI (Optimization, Mobility and NetworkIng). His main research interests include: Distributed Algorithms, Internet of Things, Programmable Matter, E-Health Monitoring and real-time issues in Wireless Sensor Networks.