Jacques Belghiti Editor

This Textbook is published in collaboration with the International Association of Surgeons, Gastroenterologists and Oncologists (IASGO).
​Dr. Masatoshi Makuuchi served as Professor and Chairman for both Hepatobiliary Pancreatic Surgery Division and Artificial Organ and Transplantation Surgery Division, University of Tokyo, Japan, and is the President of the IASGO. He has pioneered multiple techniques in liver surgery.
Dr. Norihiro Kokudo served as Professor and Chairman for both Hepatobiliary Pancreatic Surgery Division and Artificial Organ and Transplantation Surgery Division at The University of Tokyo Hospital, Japan. He is now the President of the National Center for Global Health and Medicine and IASGO VicePresident, and a leader in the field of liver cancer treatment.
Dr. Irinel Popescu led the Department of Surgery and Liver Transplantation at the Fundeni Clinical Institute in Romania. He was elected as a corresponding member of the Romanian Academy. He introduced liver transplantation in Romania and performed more than 1,000 liver transplantations. He serves as the VicePresident of IASGO.
Dr. Jacques Belghiti was the Head of the HepatoBilioPancreatic Surgery and Liver Transplantation department in Beaujon Hospital, University of Paris. In 2014 he was nominated by the President of France to the board of the High Authority for Health. Professor Belghiti’s has produced important studies in the surgical techniques of liver resection and hepato‐pancreato‐biliary surgical oncology. He serves as the VicePresident of IASGO.
Dr. Ho-Seong Han is a Professor at the Seoul National University Hospital and Chairman of Department of Surgery at the Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Korea. He is a pioneer in minimally invasive surgery in the field of hepato‐pancreato‐biliary surgery and has performed more than 1,000 laparoscopic liver surgeries. He serves as teh Treasurer of the IASGO.
Dr. Kyoicihi Takaori was the Director of the Pancreatic Cancer Unit, Kyoto University Hospital Cancer Center, Japan. He has made important contributions to pancreatic cancer surgery techniques, robotic surgery, multimodality management of pancreatic cancer, and screening for pancreatic cancer. He serves as Secretary General of IASGO.
Dr. Dan G. Duda is the Director of Translational Research in Gastrointestinal Radiation Oncology at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA. He is an expert in combinatorial strategies for liver and pancreatic malignancies, and is Secretary General of IASGO.