Stroking Cerberus
Jacqueline Haskell - Paperback
Jacqueline Haskell has an MA in Creative Writing from Birkbeck, University of London. Her first poetry collection, Stroking Cerberus, was published by Myriad Editions in 2020 as part of the Spotlight Books series for underrepresented writers. Her poems have appeared in Atrium, Brittle Star, Dream Catcher, The High Window, Anomaly Literary Journal, Ink Sweat & Tears and The Broken Spine, amongst others. Her short stories and flash fiction have won prizes in numerous literary competitions, including the Bridport Prize and the Asham Award, and her debut novel, The Auspice, was a finalist in both the 2018 Bath Novel Award and the 2020 Cinnamon International Literature Prize.