Jacqueline Hansen Maggiore
Donald J. Mueller, a former lay missioner in Colombia, has a Masters in Pastoral Ministry. His career includes Director, Milwaukee Archdiocesan Office for World Mission; Board President, US Catholic Mission Association; Member, US Bishops’ World Mission Committee and Maryknoll Lay Mission Board; Director, Volunteer Missionary Movement and the Capuchin Volunteer Program; and parish Pastoral Minister. Don is currently active in the St. Vincent de Paul Society.
Jacqueline Hansen Maggiore is a graduate of Marquette University, USA and holds an MSW from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She is a retired social worker and resides in Wisconsin where she is active with Maryknoll Affiliates, Gesu Parish, and peace and justice efforts. She is the author of Vessel of Clay: The Inspirational Journey of Sister Carla and Aquí Quiero Estar.