The Philosophical Correspondence and Unpublished Writings of Francois Hemsterhuis
Francois Hemsterhuis - Hardback
Daniel Whistler is Professor of Philosophy at Royal Holloway, University of London. He is author and editor of numerous volumes on eighteenth and nineteenth-century philosophy, including the three-volume Edinburgh Edition of the Complete Philosophical Works of Fran ois Hemsterhuis, The Schelling-Eschenmayer Controversy, 1801: Nature and Identity (EUP, 2020), The Edinburgh Critical History of Nineteenth-Century Christian Theology, The Schelling Reader (Bloomsbury, 2020) and the forthcoming Oxford Handbook of Modern French Philosophy (Oxford University Press, 2022).Jacob van Sluis is a former subject librarian at the University Library of Groningen. He has published on the history of theology and philosophy in the Dutch Republic and he is the editor of the critical edition of Hemsterhuis' Oeuvres philosophiques (Brill, 2015).