Cognitive Tutor
3 authors - Hardback
Boris Igelnik received MS degree in electrical engineering from the Moscow Electrical Engineering Institute of Communication, MS degree in mathematics from the Moscow State University, and PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from the Institute for Problems of Information Transmission, Academy of Sciences USSR, Moscow, Russia and the Moscow Electrical Engineering Institute of Communication. He is Chief Scientist at the BMI Research, Inc., Richmond Heights (Cleveland), OH, USA. His current research interests are in the areas of computational and artificial intelligence, digital signal processing, image processing, adaptive control, robotics, and computational models of intellect. Boris Igelnik is a Senior Member of IEEE.
Jacek M. Zurada received his MS and PhD degrees (with distinction) in electrical engineering from the Technical University of Gdansk, Poland. He is Director of Computational Intelligence Lab, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY, USA. His current research interests are in the areas of neural networks, computational intelligence, data mining, image processing and VLSI circuits. He is a Member of Polish Academy of Sciences and Fellow of IEEE. Dr. Zurada has been elected IEEE VP Technical Activities 2014.