Jabin T Jacob Editor & Author

Jabin T. Jacob is Associate Professor at the Department of International Relations and Governance Studies, Shiv Nadar University, India and Adjunct Research Fellow at the National Maritime Foundation, New Delhi, India. He was formerly Fellow and Assistant Director at the Institute of Chinese Studies, Delhi and Associate Editor of the journal China Report. Jacob holds a PhD in Chinese Studies and has spent time as a student/researcher/faculty in Taiwan, France and Singapore. His research interests include Chinese foreign policy, Sino-Indian border areas, Indian and Chinese worldviews, and centre-province relations in China. Jacob has co-edited several volumes on Indian and Chinese foreign policies and his work has appeared in multiple international journals, books and media.
Hoang The Anh is Vice Director-General, Institute of Chinese Studies at the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, Hanoi, Vietnam and Editor of the Chinese Studies Review (in Vietnamese). He holds a PhD in Sociology from the Department of Sociology at Sun Yat-Sen University in Guangzhou, China and had earlier completed a Masters in Social Sciences from the Institute of Asia–Pacific Studies, Nanhua University, Taiwan. Hoang’s research interests include China’s development strategy, China’s economy, society and Vietnam-China relations. His latest work is an edited volume on state-owned enterprises reform in China after the 18th Communist Party Congress and lessons for Vietnam (2018). He is also co-editor with Jabin T. Jacob of China and its Neighbourhood: Perspectives from India and Vietnam (2017).