Zondervan Illustrated Bible Dictionary
2 authors - Hardback
J. D. Douglas was the revising editor of The New International Dictionary of the Bible and editor of The New Bible Dictionary. He was editor-at-large for Christianity Today. Merrill C. Tenney was professor of theological studies and dean of the Graduate school of Theology at Wheaton College, where he taught from 1944 to 1982. In addition to teaching New Testament and Greek, he was the general editor of the Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary, served on the original translation team for the New American Standard Bible, and wrote several books. Tenney was an advocate of fundamentalism and a second president of the Evangelical Theological Society. He was born in Massachusetts and received his education from Nyack Missionary Training Institute, Gordon College of Theology and Missions, Boston University, and Harvard University. He and his wife Helen and two sons.