J B Dundee Author

J. B. Dundee was born in Scotland on the 17th of August 1960, but at the age of four moved down to Manchester with his parents and two siblings, and he has lived in the area ever since. He therefore considers himself a Scottish Mancunian, although he is drawn back to the Highlands as often as possible. The author began writing verse almost by accident in 1980 at the age of twenty and continued until shortly after getting married the day before his twenty-sixth birthday, when he found his time being taken up with starting a family and advancing his career to provide for them. After thirty years J. B. Dundee took early retirement at the age of fifty-five and shortly thereafter revisited his interest in writing poetry, which began again in March 2016. The inspiration to write is random and can come to him via any route. It chooses the subject; he just tries to express it the best he can.