Ivo Assad Ibri Author

Ivo Assad Ibri is a full professor at the Philosophy Department of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP), Brazil. He holds a PhD in philosophy from the University of São Paulo (USP) and worked on a post-doctoral research in 2004-2005 at the Indiana University (IUPUI), USA, under a fellowship sponsored by the Institute for Advanced Study at IUPUI. Professor Ibri is fellow past president (February 2015 to February 2016) of The Charles Sanders Peirce Society (USA) and was one of the ten plenary speakers of the 2014 Charles S. Peirce International Centennial Congress, which was held in July of 2014 at Lowell University, MA, USA. He is a member of the board of consultants of the Peirce Edition Project at Indiana University, where the chronological edition of Peirce’s work has been published, and the founder and director of the Center for Pragmatism Studies at PUC-SP. He is also the editor of "Cognitio – Journal of Philosophy", and general coordinator of the International Meetings on Pragmatism, which annually take place in São Paulo. His main research interest is American pragmatism, especially the work of Charles S. Peirce, as well as the theoretical connections between Peircean thought and German idealism.