Ivan Morris Author, Translator & Editor

Ivan Morris (1925-1976) was a highly regarded figure in the field of Japanese studies. He was a professor at Columbia University from 1960 to 1973 where he was head of the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures. He is known for his work on Japanese history and literature, though his numerous books, articles, and translations reflect the familiarity he had with all aspects of Japan.

Seiji M. Lippit is Professor of Asian Languages & Cultures at the University of California, Los Angeles. He is the author of Topographies of Japanese Modernism and the editor of The Essential Akutagawa. He has written widely on 20th century Japanese literature and translated numerous works of fiction and criticism.

Masakazu Kuwata is a prolific artist who has created illustrations for many books during his long career, including Incredible Japan and The Life of an Amorous Man. His greatest work, "Pieta of Japan," is displayed in the Collection of Modern Religious Art at the Vatican Museum.