Ivan Mata Author

Ivan Mata studied at the schools of Arts and Crafts Kunsthal (Irún) and Llotja (Barcelona). Since 2003, he has worked exclusively as an illustrator of press and children's literature. He collaborates in different newspapers and magazines illustrating sections of literature and making caricatures. Nowadays, he devotes part of his time to creating his own stories, with the illusion of getting to live from the story. He has published numerous children's and youth stories for publishing houses such as Anaya, Edelvives, Sm, Disset, Elkar ...He has collaborated with newspapers such as ABC, Diario Vasco, El Correo, Periódico de Cataluña, La Vanguardia ... and for magazines of the Prisa group, Letras Libres, Man ... Together with the Elena Odriozola National Illustration Prize, he was chosen to represent San Sebastian as Cultural Capital 2016. He has received many distinctions of gold, silver and bronze in the SNDE prizes (prizes of the press of Latin America, Spanish and Portuguese).