Ivan Ingravallo Editor

Giovanni Cellamare is Full Professor of International Law at University of Bari Aldo Moro, where, in the past years, he was also Director of the International and European Union Law Department and Coordinator of the International Studies Faculty Board and of the Ph.D Program in International and EU Law. He is author of several articles and books in the field of International and EU Law, including, among others, Le operazioni di peacekeeping delle organizzazioni regionali (Cacucci 2015), The Activities for the Maintenance of International Peace in the Relationship between the United Nations and Regional Organizations, in Evolutions in the Law of International Organizations (Martinus Nijhoff, 2015), Lezioni su la disciplina dell’immigrazione irregolare nel Diritto dell’Unione europea (Giappichelli, 2012); La disciplina del’immigrazione nell’Unione europea (Giappichelli, 2006); Le operazioni di peace-keeping multifunzionali (Giappichelli, 1999), and Le forme di intervento nel processo dinanzi alla Corte internazionale di giustizia (Cacucci, 1991).
Ivan Ingravallo is Associate Professor of International Law at University of Bari Aldo Moro, where he also teaches EU Law. He graduated cum laude in Law from University of Bari (1996), and he obtained a PhD in International Organization Law from University of Teramo (2003). Ivan Ingravallo has published a book (Il Consiglio di sicurezza e l’amministrazione diretta di territori, Editoriale Scientifica, 2008), co-edited another (Evolutions in the Law of International Organizations, Martinus Nijhoff, forthcoming), and is author of several articles and book chapters on the law of international organizations, international law and EU Law, including, among others, Vingt ans après Maastricht: quelles sont les perspectives de la dimension externe de la citoyenneté européenne? (Revue du droit de l'Union européenne, 2012) and UN Territorial Administrations: Between International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law (Research Handbook on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, eds. R. Kolb and G. Gaggioli, Edward Elgar, 2013). He coordinates the Editorial Committee of the reviews “Studi sull’integrazione europea” (Cacucci) and “La Comunità Internazionale” (Editoriale Scientifica).