Isma Widiaty Editor

Assoc. Prof. Ade Gafar Abdullah is a lecturer at the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. He is currently the head of the Technological and Vocational Education Study Program, School of Postgraduate Studies, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia as well as the chairman at the university publication center. He has published countless papers on science, engineering, and technology, particularly on electrical engineering and nuclear physics.
Dr. Isma Widiaty is currently lecturer at the Department of Home Economics, Faculty of Technological and Vocational Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia. Her research interest is mainly in teaching and learning Batik in vocational high schools including its curriculum, its learning media integrating information and communication technology (ICT), and local wisdom in teaching and learning Batik. She is currently a member of the UPI publication center as well.
Cep Ubad Abdullah is a lecturer at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. As a member of the UPI publication center, his area of research is mainly on education. His publication includes papers on physical education, sports science, science and technology in education. He has recently become interested in research studies in tourism as well.