Essential Oils
3 contributors - Hardback
Valdir Florêncio da Veiga Jr. is a chemical engineer with a Master's and Doctorate in chemistry of natural products, mainly from the Amazon region, seeking the sustainable use of forest biodiversity. Biotechnological approaches for increasing the value of residual biomass obtained from essential oil and fixed oil extraction have been the focus of his studies, with potential uses in cosmetics, food, and industrial additives. Currently, he is a professor at the Military Institute of Engineering in Brazil, studying natural products.
Isiaka Ajani Ogunwande is a recognized specialist in the field of natural products, particularly the chemistry of essential oils. He graduated from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife and the University of Ibadan. He has been the author and co-authors of 320 scientific works on natural products including 291 publications on essential oils in journals and books on plants growing in Japan, Nigeria, South Africa and Vietnam. He was awarded Conference of All Muslim Organizations Scholarships, Third World Academy of Sciences Fellowship, Leverhulme Postdoctoral Fellow, Japan Society for Promotion of Science Fellowship, Chinese Academy of Sciences/Third World Academy of Sciences (CAS-TWAS) Visiting Scholars and TETFund, Nigeria, Research Grant. He is the Founder, Society of Essential Oil Distillers and Analysis of Nigeria.
José L. Martinez is a chemical biologist from the University of Santiago of Chile, MSc from Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. In 2022 he received the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa in Peru for his contributions to the dissemination and development of Latin American medicinal plants. He also received a tribute in Mexico. He has been the creator, founder and editor since 23 years of the Latin American and Caribbean Bulletin of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (BLACPMA), creator of the Latin American Congress of Medicinal Plants (COLAPLAMED) which is in its eleventh version and also founder of the Latin American Society of Medicinal Plants (SOLAPLAMED). He is also the creator and editor of Medicinal Plant Communications along with being a member of the Editorial Committee in various journal of medicinal plants and natural products. He has co-authored more than 60 articles in international journals, more than 120 presentations and scientific conferences. Further, he has been co-editor of 5 books on medicinal plants and author of numerous chapters.