Isabelle Rowan Author

A black cat for a witch may be a clich, but add a whole bunch of tribal tattoos and an intolerance to garlic (seriously), and you have Isabelle Rowan.

Having moved to Australia from the North East of England as a small child, Isabelle now lives in a seaside suburb of Melbourne. Recently retired from teaching, Isabelle spends a lot of time in cafes drinking coffee and writing-a great place to watch the world go by and find future characters. Isabelle's love for Australian landscapes, both city and country, are a constant inspiration to take readers to places they've never visited, or experience the new and unusual if they have. Maybe you've walked past a vampire on Chapel Street.

Isabelle is a movie addict and follows far too many TV fandoms. She also spends all her money on traveling... but then again, life is to be lived.

Website and blog:

Twitter: @Aussie_Izzy

Instagram: @rowan.isabelle
