Isabel Mesquita Editor

Cláudio Farias is Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Sport at the University of Porto (FADEUP), Portugal and a research member in the Centre of Research, Education, Innovation, and Intervention in Sport (CIFI2D). He lectures on the Doctoral Program, on the Master (hons) of PE and sports training, and on the Bachelor (hons) program in Sport Sciences. He has conducted research in sport pedagogy and sport coaching (physical education, teacher education, and coach education) with a principal focus on student-centred, model-based practice.

Isabel Mesquita is Full Professor in the Faculty of Sport at the University of Porto (FADEUP), Portugal. She is Co-ordinator for research in the area of Sport, Education, and Culture in the Centre of Research, Education, Innovation, and Intervention in Sport (CIFI2D) and in the doctoral program in Sport Sciences at FADEUP. She is also Director of the Masters in sport training and has conducted extensive research in sport pedagogy and sport coaching.