Irving Greenberg Author


Rabbi Irving Greenberg is the Founding President of CLAL—The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership, an organization dedicated to the renewal of clal Yisrael—the unity and totality of the Jewish people. He has been a pioneer in leadership education and a leading figure in intra-Jewish dialogue and the development of pluralism. An Orthodox rabbi and Harvard Ph.D., Rabbi Greenberg has been a seminal thinker in confronting the Holocaust as an historical transforming event and Israel as the Jewish assumption of power and the beginning of a third era in Jewish history. Rabbi Greenberg has published articles and monographs on Jewish thought and religion, and is the subject of a book, Living in the Image of God: Jewish Teachings to Perfect the World (Conversations with Rabbi Irving Greenberg as Conducted by Shalom Freedman), published by Jason Aronson Inc. He is currently President of CHAverIM Kol Yisrael/Jewish Life Network, a Michael and Judy Steinhardt Foundation, which develops new institutions and projects in religion, education, and culture to strengthen the inner life of American Jewry.