Irina Dulebová Author

Doc. Mgr. Irina Dulebová, PhD. holds a PhD and a habilitation in Slavonic Studies. Her main research interests are political linguistics and media linguistics. She is the joint author of the monograph Language and Politics (2017) and the textbook Political Linguistics (2021).

Doc. PhDr. Radoslav Štefančík, MPol. Ph.D. holds a PhD and a habilitation in Political Science. His main research interests are politology and political linguistics. He is the joint author of the monograph The Language of the right-wing extremists (2019) and the textbook Political Linguistics (2021).

Doc. Mgr. Nina Cingerová, PhD. holds a PhD and a habilitation in Slavonic Studies. Her main research interests are political and media linguistics. She is the joint author of the monograph Language and Conflict (2019) and the textbook Political Linguistics (2021).