Polymer Surfaces and Interfaces
3 authors - Paperback
Irina A. Starostina, DSc, is professor of the chair of physics at Kazan State Technological University in Russia. She has dealt with physicochemistry of polymer adhesion for over 20 years.
Oleg V. Stoyanov, DSc, is head of the chair of industrial safety and professor of the chair of technology of processing plastic and composite materials (TPPCM) at Kazan State Technological University in Russia. He is a world-renowned scientist in the field of chemistry and the physics of oligomers, polymers, composites, and nanocomposites.
Prof.Rustam Ya. Deberdeev, DSc, is the honored worker of science and the laureat of State Prizes of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation. His scientific interests involve synthesis, technology, and processing of polymers and composite materials.