Irene Rozdobudko Author

Called "The Lady Detective of Ukrainian literature" by the media for her splendid earlier detective books, Irene Rozdobudko has recently burst into book market with a dozen award winning titles ranging from a light absurd comedy to a heavy psychological thriller and quickly claimed her rightful place among masters of modern literature in her native Ukraine. A graduate of Kyiv National University in journalism, Irene started small, from a modest job of a waitress in a restaurant, later taking occasional jobs in a circus and a video store. Her talent for the written word eventually came into fruition when she landed a gig right down her professional alley in one of Kyiv's major newspapers "Rodoslav" and journal "Suchasnast". Her career took an interesting turn when she began working on national radio, became an observer for another major newspaper and later editor for woman's magazine "Natalie", editor-in-chief for the magazine "Storytelling Caravan - Ukraine" and a reporter for the journal "Academia". Irene Rozdobudko is one of the most popular writers in Ukraine today and has a lively, engaging writing style that makes her works accessible to a wide reading audience. Irene points very skilfully those aspects of human nature that drive decisions and give direction to a person's life, as well as other people's destiny. Her cinematographic vision of action and psychologically complicated, delicately worked out characters who have first-hand knowledge of life's irony and wisdom make her novels perfect for the big screen adaptation as well as for the honourable place on a book shelf of a top quality modern literature devotee. The author's novel The Lost Button recently became a film. Irene's artistic brilliance won the author a national price in literature "Coronation of the Word" three times.