Oxford American Handbook of Disaster Medicine
7 contributors - Paperback
Robert A. Partridge, MD, MPH, FACEP, Department of Emergency Medicine, Emerson Hospital in Concord, Massachusetts; Department of Emergency Medicine, Rhode Island Hospital Lawrence Proano, MD, DTMH, FACEP, Department of Emergency Medicine, Rhode Island Hospital. David Marcozzi, MD, MHS-CL, FACEP, Office of the Assistant Secretary of Preparedness and Response, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC. Alexander G. Garza, MD, MPH, Director of Military Programs, Department of Emergency Medicine, Washington Hospital Center, Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington, DC. Ira Nemeth, MD, FACEP, Assistant Professor and Director of EMS and Disaster Medicine,Baylor College of medicine, Houston, texas Kathryn Brinsfield, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, Boston University Eric S. Weinstein, MD, Attending Physician, Carolinas Hospital System, Emergency Department, Florence, South Carolina.