Imtiaz A Hussain Author & Editor

Imtiaz A. Hussain founded the Global Studies & Governance Department at Independent University, Bangladesh (2016), after creating/teaching International Relations/Global Studies/Governance courses in Philadelphia University/ Universidad Iberoamericana (1990–2014). He has published over 20 books (South Asia in Global Power Rivalry, Transatlantic Transactions; North American Regionalism; Evaluating NAFTA; Border Governance and the ‘Unruly’ South, and Afghanistan-Iraq and Post-conflict Governance), articles (Encyclopedia of U.S.-Latin American Relations, Handbook of Global Security and Intelligence, South Asian Survey, Politics & Policy, Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh, Norteamérica, & Journal of International Relations), and has contributed to Bangladesh’s newspapers such as Daily Star and Financial Express. He received his Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Pennsylvania (1989).