Immaculée Harushimana Author & Editor

Immaculée Harushimana received her PhD in English (rhetoric and linguistics) from Indiana University of Pennsylvania and is Assistant Professor of Language and Literacies at Lehman College, City University of New York. Her publications capitalize on the literacy needs and academic visibility of non-predominant immigrant minorities in urban school settings.
Chinwe Ikpeze is Assistant Professor of Literacy at St. John Fisher College, Rochester, New York. Dr. Ikpeze’s research centers on literacy instruction and pedagogy, self study, teacher learning and research on African-born students and educators.
Shirley Mthethwa-Sommers is Assistant Professor with the Department of Social and Psychological Foundations of Education and Director of the Frontier Center for Urban Education at Nazareth College in Rochester, New York. Her teaching and research is on social justice-oriented education.