Performance and Innovation in the Public Sector
2 authors - Paperback
Evan M. Berman is a leading award-winning scholar in public administration with research areas in public performance, public management, comparative public management and HRM. He is former Chair of the Section on Public Performance and Management of the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA), and has served as journal and book series editor, including as Senior Editor of Public Performance & Management Review. He has published articles in all the leading journals in public administration and is author of 15 books, including three textbooks. Evan has received major awards including the H. George Award Fredrickson Award, the Fred Riggs Award for Lifetime Career Achievement in International and Comparative Public Administration, the Distinguished Research Award, jointly awarded by ASPA and the Network of Public Schools for Politics, Affairs and Administration (NASPAA). He is currently Professor of Public Management at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV-EAESP), Brazil’s leading private university and a visiting scholar at Fudan University (Shanghai). and University of Indonesia (Jakarta). He was also a professor at Louisiana State University and the University of Central Florida. Evan has worked and consulted for national and local governments in the USA, Asia, New Zealand and Brazil.
Imane Hijal-Moghrabi is an Assistant Professor of Public Administration at the University of Texas Permian Basin (UTPB). Her research interests include change management and innovation, performance management and budgeting, government ethics, HR-related topics. Her work appears in Public Performance & Management Review, Review of Public Personnel Administration, Public Integrity, Administration & Society, Public Organization Review, Public Administration Quarterly, and International Journal of Public Sector Management. She received her Ph.D. from UT-Dallas, and has served for about 7 years as a Financial Controller/Chief of Bureau at the Lebanese Ministry of Finance.