The Future of Global Business
2 contributors - Hardback
Ilkka Ronkainen, a leading expert in the areas of international business and marketing, has served on the faculty of The McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University for the past 20 years. In addition, he is the Director of the School of Business program in Hong Kong. He is docent of international marketing at the Helsinki School of Economics and frequently teaches executive classes in Europe, Asia, South America, as well as the United States. Gilbert Zvobgo is a Lecturer in Marketing at London South Bank University, London, United Kingdom. He has been teaching International Marketing, Marketing Research, Retailing Marketing, Advertisement and Promotion, Business Ethics, Small Business and Enterpreneurship and Management in Context since 2001. Dr Zvobgo was a guest speaker at Middle Georgia College, Cochran, Georgia, US in 2006. He has reviewed books for Journal of Management Studies. He has publised Conference papers and is a reviewer for the Academy of Marketing and and a Reviewing Editor for the Journal of Business and Retail Management Research. Michael R. Czinkota is one of the foremost experts on international business and marketing in the world. His insights and counsel are frequently sought by the media, global companies, and governments all over the world. He is a frequent speaker on issues related to trade, trade policy, and global business strategies. His key research is in the field of export promotion and export development. He has served in the U.S. Government as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce, where he was responsible for trade analysis and support of trade negotiations. He holds three honorary doctorates and advises universities around the globe. He currently serves on the faculty of The McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University.