Gendering Postsocialism
2 contributors - Paperback
Yulia Gradskova, Södertörn University, Sweden, is a historian dealing with post-Soviet history. She is the co-author of Gender Equality on a Grand Tour (2017 – with E.Blomberg, Y.Waldemarson, A.Zvinkliene) and the co-editor of And They Lived Happily Ever After (2012 – with H.Carlbäck and Zh.Kravchenko).
Ildikó Asztalos Morell, sociologist from Mälardalen and Uppsala University (Sweden) with an interest in rural, gender and ethnicity studies of transition societies. She is the author of Emancipation’s Dead-End Roads (1999) and co-editor of Gender Regimes, Citizen Participation and Rural Restructuring (2008 – with B.Bock).