Ikbal Maulana Editor

Trina Fizzanty is Senior Researcher at the Research Organization of Social Sciences and Humanities, National Research and Innovation Agency. She is principal investigator for the research project “The Development of Digital Economy Ecosystem of SMEs in Indonesia” (2020-2021). She holds a PhD degree from The University of Queensland, Australia in Integrative System (supply chain management). Her research area is in the management of innovation and R&D. She has published her research in international journal and books. She works collaboratively with other scholars on several international research projects and has also worked as a reviewer for international journals and books (LIPI Press).

Ikbal Maulana is Senior Researcher at the Research Center of Society and Culture, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). He has a master’s degree in computer engineering and has worked as programmer and system analyst before becoming a researcher and pursuinga PhD degree in philosophy. His current research interests are the impact of information technology on society and democracy, philosophy of technology, and social epistemology.