Sorel Etrog
Ihor Holubizky - Hardback
Ihor Holubizky is an art historian and curator. He has held several public gallery curatorial positions, including curator at The Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery, Toronto, and the Art Gallery of Hamilton and has been guest curator for retrospective exhibitions of Don Jean-Louis, Walter Tandy Murch, and Kazao Nakamura at The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Oshawa. Holubizky holds a PhD in art history from the University of Queensland, Australia, and has contributed writing to numerous publications on historical, modern, and contemporary topics in art and culture in North America, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. He lectures on a wide range of topics across Canada, the United States, Brazil, and Australia. Greg McKee is an artist and craftsman. He has a BFA from the University of Guelph and worked for Ken Danby as a master printmaker, studio technician, and manager from 1979 until Danby's death in 2007. Andrew J. Oko is the former director of the Art Gallery of Hamilton.