Constraints and Opportunities in Shaping the Future: New Approaches to Economics and Policy Making
5 contributors - Hardback
Chivu Luminita is General Director of the National Institute for Economic Research (NIER) at the Romanian Academy (Bucharest, Romania). Her research focuses on economics of agriculture, rural development, labor market, economic growth, European integration, economic restructuring, industrial relations and working conditions. She is a member of the Editorial Board of the Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting and has published 18 books and more than 200 articles in economics.
Ioan-Franc Valeriu is General Deputy Director of the National Institute for Economic Research (NIER) at Romanian Academy (Bucharest, Romania). His also the Head of the Centre for Economic Information and Documentation Romania and Editor-in-chief of NIER publications. He has published more than 30 books and 150 articles in economics.
Georgescu George is General Deputy Director of the National Institute for Economic Research (NIER) at Romanian Academy (Bucharest, Romania) and a member of the National Statistical Council. He has published over 25 books and more than 80 articles in indexed research journals.
Ignacio De Los Ríos Carmenado is Full Professor for Engineering Projects at the School of Agricultural, Food and Biosystems Engineering and Director of GESPLAN Research Group at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain. His research focuses on project management, urban/rural development, teaching methods, and behavioural competences.
Andrei Jean-Vasile is Professor at Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti (Romania) in the Department of Business Administration. He is Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Sustainable Economies Management and Associate Editor of the Economics of Agriculture journal. He has published over 40 articles and 5 books in economics.