Myconanotechnology and Application of Nanoparticles in Biology
3 contributors - Paperback
Dr. Mohammed Kuddus. PhD in Enzyme Biotechnology. After completing PhD in Enzyme Biotechnology, he worked in different R&D projects funded by various scientific agencies. Prof. Kuddus’ main research area includes biochemistry, industrial enzymes, waste utilization, extremophiles, microbial and food biotechnology. He has more than 15 years of integrated teaching and research experience and published more than 75 research articles in peer reviewed international journals along with 8 books and 22 book chapters. Also, published 40 abstract at International/ National conferences and symposia and received best presentation awards. He supervised 6 PhD thesis and 12 PG/UG dissertations. He has been serving as an editor/editorial board member for 20 and reviewer for more than 40 international peer-reviewed journals; along with research grant reviewer for scientific body of USA, Italy, South Africa, India and Saudi Arabia. He has also been awarded SERC Young Scientist Project from the Department of Science and Technology, Govt of India; and Young Scientist Project from International Foundation for Science, Stockholm, Sweden. Dr. Iffat Zareen Ahmad is a Professor in the Department of Bioengineering, Integral University, Lucknow, India. She has received her doctorate degree from University of Allahabad in the area of Biotechnology. Her area of expertise involves Plant, algal and fungal Biotechnology, natural products, nanoformulations and pharmacology. She has more than 85 publications in journal of repute and high impact factor. Sixteen students have been awarded with the doctoral degree under her supervision. She has been awarded with the prestigious research projects from the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India and Life Sciences Research Board, Defence Research and Development Organization, India. She is in the panel of examiners of many National and International educational organizations. She has an instrumental role in organizing several programs under the aegis of Mission Shakti initiative by the government of UP, India. Dr. Chaudhery Mustansar Hussain is an adjunct professor and director of laboratories in the Department of Chemistry & Environmental Sciences at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), Newark, New Jersey, United States. His research is focused on the applications of nanotechnology and advanced materials, environmental management, analytical chemistry, and other various industries. Dr. Hussain is the author of numerous papers in peer-reviewed journals as well as a prolific author and editor of around One hundred and fifty (150) books, including scientific monographs and handbooks in his research areas. He has published with ELSEVIER, American Chemical Society, Royal Society of Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons, CRC Press, and Springer.