ICLIF Author

The Iclif Leadership and Governance Centre is an international, Asia-focused centre committed to delivering practical and relevant solutions-based leadership and corporate governance programmes. The success of these programmes is based on the application of locally relevant experience as well as research undertaken by its world-class faculty members. Iclif's faculty brings together extensive experience and knowledge from the best global academic and commercial institutions around the world and applies this to distinctly Asian needs and situations. These programmes and services inspire leaders and equip boards to immediately and visibly improve their organisation's performance brought about by greater cohesion and unity. Simple yet effective approach ICLIF ensures that leadership transformation is genuine, lasting, and borne out of an organisation's own realities and, thus, addresses a groups distinct set of issues and challenges. Looking inwards to find leadership energy is infinitely more valuable than replicating the actions of others or trying to adjust the behaviour of individuals to fit the squares of a predetermined matrix.