Ibrahim Fraihat Author & Editor

Ibrahim Fraihat is an international conflict resolution professor at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies. He previously served as senior foreign policy scholar at the Brookings Institution and taught conflict resolution at Georgetown University. He is the author of Unfinished Revolutions: Yemen, Libya, and Tunisia after the Arab Spring (Yale UP, 2016) and co-author of Libya's Displacement Crisis: Uprooted by Revolution and Civil War (Georgetown UP, 2015). His analysis on Middle East politics has also appeared in Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, the New York Times, Huffington Post, Newsweek, and Al Jazeera. Graduate of George Mason University in 2006, he is the recipient of the University's Distinguished Alumni Award (2014) for his achievements in the field of conflict resolution in the Middle East. Fraihat is a non-resident fellow at the Middle East Studies Forum at Deakin University in Australia. He consulted for numerous international organization on Middle East affairs like conflict resolution, national reconciliation, national dialogue, mediation, post-conflict reconstruction, and political transitions.