Highland Scrambles South
Iain Thow - Paperback
Iain Thow works as a walking guide, mainly in the North-West Highlands, and has been knocking around the hills since he was a small boy. He can pinpoint the moment of addiction, on a family holiday in Torridon, when he saw the morning mists clear from Liathach and thought, 'Wow!' He began scrambling as a teenager, and it remains his favourite mountain activity today. When the first Skye Scrambles guide came out, Iain rang the SMC to see if a guide to the Northern Highlands was in the pipeline and was asked, 'Do you want to write one?' He couldn't say yes fast enough. Writing a guide provides an extra incentive to look round the corner and follow up on those pledges to 'have a look at that sometime'. It also means he can share his love of the hills, and the routes they harbour, with others.