Opera, Exoticism and Visual Culture
3 contributors - Paperback
Hyunseon Lee is Privatdozent in Modern German Literature and Media Studies at Siegen University and Research Associate at the Centre for Film Studies, SOAS, University of London. She is also guest lecturer of Korean Studies at Tübingen University. Her publications include the monograph Metamorphosen der Madame Butterfly. Interkulturelle Liebschaften zwischen Literatur, Oper und Film (2015) and the co-edited volumes Mörderinnen (2013) and Akira Kurosawa und seine Zeit (2005). She has published various works on music theatre, film and media aesthetics, German literature and Korean culture. Her current research interests focus on the Cold War in cinema and literature (Korea/Germany), film and history.
Naomi Segal is Professorial Fellow at Birkbeck, University of London. She is the author of seventy-nine articles and fourteen books on comparative literature, cultural studies, gender, psychoanalysis and the body. Her monographs include Consensuality (2009), André Gide: Pederasty & Pedagogy (1998), The Adulteress’s Child (1992), Narcissus and Echo (1988) and The Unintended Reader (1986, 2010). She is currently retranslating Anzieu’s Le Moi-peau and has two more monographs at the planning stage. She is a Chevalier dans l’ordre des Palmes académiques and a member of the Academia Europaea.