Hyungsik Eum Editor

Bruno Roelants is the Director General of International Co-operative Alliance and was formerly Secretary General of CICOPA and of its regional organization, CECOP CICOPA-Europe.

Hyungsik Eum is the Data Analyst at CICOPA and Strategy and Statistics Coordinator of the International Co-operative Alliance.

Simel Eşim is the Head of the Cooperatives Unit of the International Labour Office in Geneva. Prior to this, she was a Senior Technical Specialist in the ILO’s Regional Office for Arab States.

Sonja Novkovic is Chair of the Committee on Cooperative Research of the International Co-operative Alliance Research Committee. She is also the Academic Director in the Co-operative Management Education program and Professor of Economics at Saint Mary's University in Halifax, Canada.

Waltteri Katajamäki works at the International Labour Office in Geneva as a Technical Officer on Rural Economy and previously worked at the ILO’s Cooperatives Unit.