Huseyin Arslan Editor

Hüseyin Arslan is a professor with the Electrical Engineering Deptartment of the University of South Florida, Tampa, USA. He is also affiliated with the Communication, Signals Processing and Networking Center at Istanbul Medipol University, Turkey. In addition to his academic experience, he has worked for various wireless industry with different roles including research engineer and consultant. He has also served in the editorial board of several IEEE Transactions. Prof. Arslan is an IEEE Fellow. Ertuğrul Başar is an associate professor with the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey and director of the Communications Research and Innovation Laboratory (CoreLab). He is an editor of IEEE Transactions on Communications and Physical Communication, and a senior editor of IEEE Communications Letters. He is a senior member of the IEEE. Dr. Basar is the author/co-author of 120 international journal and conference publications covering next-generation wireless communication technologies.