Application of Intelligent Systems in Multi-modal Information Analytics
4 contributors - Paperback
Amit Kumar Singh is an assistant professor in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at the National Institute of Technology Patna, India. Stanford University, USA recognized him as "World ranking of top 2% scientists" in the area of "Biomedical Research" in 2019 and "Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing" in 2020. He is the associate editor of several IEEE and ACM journals. His research interests include multimedia data hiding, image processing, biometrics, and cryptography. Huiyu Zhou is a professor and head of The Biomedical Image Processing Lab at the University of Leicester, UK. He is editor-in-chief of Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, and associate editor of numerous reputed international journals. He is area chair of British Machine Vision Conference and the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. His research interests include machine learning, computer vision and signal processing.