Huinan H Liu Editor

Dr. Huinan H. Liu currently is an Associate Professor in the Department of Bioengineering in the Bourns College of Engineering, and participates in the interdisciplinary Materials Science and Engineering Program, the Stem Cell Center, the Microbiology Program, the Cellular, Molecular, and Developmental Biology (CMDB) Program, and the Biomedical Sciences Program of the School of Medicine, at the University of California at Riverside (UCR). She received her Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from Brown University in 2008 and her M.S. and B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering from Purdue University and the University of Science and Technology in Beijing. After her Ph.D., she worked as a senior scientist at NanoMech to translate nanomaterials to clinically viable products that benefit the people in need. Her research focuses on engineering novel biodegradable materials and nanostructured interfaces for controlling cellular functions toward improving tissue regeneration and reducing infections. She has supervised 30+ graduate students and 100+ undergraduate researchers since she established her laboratory at UCR in 2011. Her work has led to 100+ refereed journal articles, 30 conference proceeding papers, 4 books, 14 invited book chapters, 2 issued patents, 80+ invited talks, and 160 conference presentations and abstracts. Dr. Liu is the recipient of the following awards: 2015 University of California Regents Faculty Development Award, 2012 American Heart Association National Scientist Development Award, 2012 Hellman Faculty Fellowship, etc. Dr. Liu served as a symposium organizer and session chair for World Biomaterials Congress (WBC) quadrennial meetings, Society for Biomaterials (SFB) annual meetings, Materials Research Society (MRS) annual meetings, TMS annual meetings, etc.