Hugh Conway Author

GEORGE S. ROUKIS is Professor of Management and Industrial Relations at Hofstra University and a professional labor arbitrator. He formerly served as United Stated Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor (1973-1975) and chaired an emergency board for the President of the United States in the railroad industry in 1986. He has coedited Managing Terrorism: Strategies for the Corporate Executive (Quorum, 1983).

HUGH CONWAY is the Director of Regulatory Analysis, Occupational Safety, and Health Administration, U.S Department of Labor in Washington, D.C. He recently edited a text, Defense Economic Issues for the National Defense University, Washington, D.C.

BRUCE H. CHARNOV is Assistant Professor of Management and General Business at Hofstra University where he teaches courses in strategic business planning. He is the coauthor of Management (1987) and Ethical Dilemmas of the Academic Profession (1987).

CONTRIBUTORS: George S. Roukis, Hugh Conway, Robert F. Gordon, Mahesh Chandra and Shivaji Rao, Paul G. Zurkowski, David M. Flynn, John E. Ullmann, Mamdouh Farid, Hanry S. Berszinn, Bruce Charnov, Robert S. Redmond, Joseph E. Goldberg, Robert J. Kuhne, Akira Tomioka, Ewan W. Anderson, Joshua N. Feinman, Peter M. Garber, Michelle R. Garfinkel, Marshall Lee Miller.